Paper usage depends heavily on the world’s resources. Trees and clean water are necessary for the production of paper. Believe it or not, even in this digital world the use of paper has risen by 400% in the last 40 years and with it comes a lot of deforestation. Trees are an important part of the circle of life and help absorb CO2 in our atmosphere, as well as, provide oxygen for us to breathe. Reducing paper use could help save a lot of trees. Paper production also requires large amounts of water. It takes 1.5 cups of water to produce a single piece of paper. By cutting down on paper usage, you can help conserve and protect sources of clean drinking water around the world. Paper products also often require delivery to consumers, so cutting down on your reliance on paper can help reduce air pollution resulting from transportation. Beyond the other advantages of going digital, we can also contribute to helping the environment! Consumers care about the values of an organization and we at Kehl window and door are creating sustainability programs, going paperless is just one step in saving our enivornment!